Room and Rideshare Resources

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

This is a resource group for students to find information for Abington students specifically regarding off-campus housing, ride share opportunities, student legal services and more! Disclaimer: Penn State Abington makes no representation whatsoever regarding the housing or the landlords listed through the Penn State Off-Campus Housing website and Engage page. The properties listed are done so at the request of the landlords to assist students in locating possible off-campus housing opportunities. Students are responsible to inspect the property and negotiate lease terms with any landlord. Penn State Abington has not inspected or investigated these listings or landlords in any way and is not endorsing any specific properties or landlords for students by this listing. Penn State Abington disclaims any responsibility, among other things, for the condition of any premises, terms of any leases, treatment by any landlord, or compliance with any applicable local zoning ordinances.









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Our Team

Nora Haffar Profile

Nora Haffar

Mary Ellen Glick Profile

Mary Ellen Glick

Frank Stern Profile

Frank Stern


Room and Rideshare Resources

1600 Woodland Rd
Abington PA 19001
United States