Collegiate Recovery Program

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

What is a collegiate recovery program? Traditionally, collegiate recovery programs have offered support to students in recovery from substance use disorders or who have been affected by others with substance use disorders. While Penn State Abington’s Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP) provides support to students in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction, the CRP strives for inclusiveness and also offers programming to students in recovery from chronic mental illness, survivors of trauma, and other disabilities and disorders in addition to students who may be affected by friends and loved ones with one or more of these issues.









Members Benefits

What services are offered through the Penn State Abington Collegiate Recovery Program? - A drop-in center for students to complete their work, grab a bite to eat, or simply unwind from the stressors of the day. - Group sessions: Students in recovery Students affected by friends/family with addiction Mindfulness More! - Peer counseling - Sober recreational activities for students - Guest speakers and special events - Alumni support and networking opportunities

Events & Activities

Be the first to know about what we have planned and add our group calendar to your schedule.

Exclusive Resources

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Meeting new students with shared interest

Our Team

Brianna Hill Profile

Brianna Hill

Michael Lavetsky Profile

Michael Lavetsky

Hailey Gamble Profile

Hailey Gamble

Lia Pretecrum Profile

Lia Pretecrum

Helen Pawko Profile

Helen Pawko


Collegiate Recovery Program

1600 Woodland Rd
Abington PA 19001
United States